Eastern Australian
land snails - their identification, diversity and conservation
9th - 10th December,
Australia has an exceptionally rich land snail fauna with over
1,500 species known as a conservative estimate. Despite this
wealth and diversity of snail species, we still know very little
about this largely cryptic fauna. With such a speciose fauna
occurring in the most heavily populated region in Australia,
conservation issues have arisen over conflicts of land use and
habitat management.
This workshop, presented by Dr John Stanisic and Mr Michael
Shea, presented the following topics:
An introduction
and overview of the land snail groups in Eastern Australia
(both native and exotic).
ecology and biology of Australian snails with an emphasis
on areas of high land snail diversity – ‘hotspots’
of evolution such as limestone outcrops, rainforests, islands
as environmental indicators – how snails are affected
by changes in climate and by the affects of human activity
(land clearance, increasing fire frequency, introduced species
to look for land snails, collecting methods and preservation
techniques. Some ‘hands on’ work will involve
sorting leaf litter samples for snails from the local Illawarra
An introduction
to identifying species within land snail groups using particular
diagnostic characters. Many species have similar shell shapes
and identification can prove difficult and confusing –
examples from most families will be shown and compared. Examples
sorted from the leaf litter samples will be identified using
these characters.
most species have never been formally described in scientific
publications, a surrogate classification system had to be
devised which roughly sorted and categorised this large number
of nameless taxa based on bioregional codes. This will
be discussed and evaluated.
importance of museum collections and photographic databases
in identifying species – collections are historical
archives of information which can show changes in faunas and
species distributions over time. Modern photographic techniques
such as S.E.M. and computer photomontage microscope photography
can now make comparison and identification of minute species
much easier.
phylogeography of land snails - the importance of DNA comparisons
in determining evolutionary paths and family/genus/species
- Conservation
issues concerning habitat destruction and the increasing importance
of habitat restoration and rehabilitation. How do we make
authorities and the general population become aware of snails
and their conservation.