Molluscs 1997
Island, Western Australia
1-4 February 1997
The huge
Indo-West Pacific and Australasian Region has a tremendous diversity
of marine, freshwater and terrestrial molluscs. Throughout the
many countries with coastlines on the Indo-Pacific, there are
many scientists working on all aspects of molluscan biology
including systematics, ecology, physiology, functional morphology.
Many of the scientists use different languages from each other
and publish in journals from their own country. Yet we all share
in common our work on molluscs and the need to share information
with scientists from other countries.
To help
overcome some of this “tyranny of distance”, The
Malacological Society of Australasia organised a symposium on
the “Molluscs of the Indo-West Pacific and Australasian
Region”. This was the first meeting to bring together
malacologists and other interested scientists working on the
molluscs of the region.
The symposium
was held at the Rottnest Environmental Education Centre at Rottnest
Island, off the coast of Perth, Western Australia from 1 to
4 February 1997. It attracted 60 leading experts on molluscs
from Australia and 12 overseas countries (Fiji, New Zealand,
Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong,
Philippines, Japan, United States, Denmark, and South Africa).
Over half of the delegates were from outside Australia.
The keynote
speaker was Prof Alan J Kohn of the University of Washington.
Prof Kohn has worked on Indo-Pacific molluscs for forty years
and is an acknowledged world authority on the subject. He spoke
on his extensive work on the gastropod genus Conus, tracing
the geological history of the genus, the history of his own
work on Conus (a very much shorter timeframe), and provided
a series of recommendations on future directions for research
on the genus.
Prof Kohn
is best known in Western Australia for his discovery at the
1991 AMSA marine biological workshop of imposex, a reproductive
abnormality caused by tributyl tin pollution, in the genus Conus
at Rottnest Island. In addition to his keynote address, Prof
Kohn reported to the conference on work on Conus conducted
at the 1996 Rottnest workshop by himself, Dr Fred Wells, then
of the WA Museum, and Dr Carol Lalli of the University of British
Columbia. The work compares imposex levels in 1991 and 1996.
talks dealt with a very wide range of topics, including molluscan
fisheries in Western Australia, the use of molluscs in conservation
in areas of Indonesia, evolutionary studies of a variety of
groups, ecology and taxonomy.
Fred Wells, Western Australian Museum
Anne Brearley, University of Western Australia
Lindsay Joll, Western Australian Fisheries Dept
David Macey, Murdoch University