Only species and subspecies can be considered under this act and there is currently no recognition of threatened communities. Undescribed species can be admitted to schedules provided voucher material is reliably archived. The Threatened Species Unit of the Parks and Wildlife Service administers much of the detail, including the preparation of recovery plans. A Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meets about six times a year and advises the Minister on matters of scientific relevance pertaining to the Act. Criteria for listing are agreed on a case-by-case basis by the SAC using modified IUCN criteria with consideration given to the nature of the threatening processes. Invertebrate determinations tend to emphasise population criteria rather than numbers of individuals (McQuillan 1999). Tasmania has listed the most invertebrate species of any State and this has not been without its detractors (Taylor and Bryant 1997).


The Act, including Schedules 3, 4 and 5 which contain the lists of endangered, vulnerable and rare taxa (respectively), is available electronically on the Tasmanian government website. Two marine invertebrates (Patiriella vivipara Dartnall and Marginaster littoralis Dartnall are listed under Schedule 3, and one under Schedule 5 (Smilasterias tasmaniae O'Loughlin and O'Hara).

Copyright © Environment Australia, 2002
Department of Environment and Heritage