Species are listed according to the current IUCN threat categories and criteria, using information maintained on NRE databases, with assessments based solely on biological criteria and subject to peer review. Updated lists are released periodically. The lists have no real legal standing, but are put out as a guide to managers in the field and are designed to be taken into account during strategic planning and established planning processes, such as national park management plans, Regional Forest Agreements, local government planning schemes, catchment strategies and setting priorities for recovery actions (DNRE 2000). Some of the species on these lists are also covered by the provisions of the Wildlife Act 1975 and the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act). The FFG Act Schedule of threatened species and communities (Schedule 2) only includes items nominated, assessed by the Scientific Advisory Committee and approved by the Minister. There can be a time lag between a species being recognised as threatened, being nominated and finally being included on the FFG Act Schedule (DNRE 2000).

Copyright © Environment Australia, 2002
Department of Environment and Heritage