Habitats such as saltmarsh can be protected under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 invoking SEPP (State Environmental Planning Policy) 14 or SREP (Regional Environmental Plan) 20 (NSW Fisheries 1998b). This and other relevant legislation is listed in the tabl e below.




Marine Park Act 1997

Declaration of Marine Protected Areas

Objects are to conserve marine biological diversity and marine habitats by declaring and providing for the management of a comprehensive system of marine parks, to maintain ecological processes in marine parks, and (where consistent with these), provide for ecologically sustainable use of fish and marine vegetation, and provide opportunities for public appreciation, understanding and enjoyment, in marine parks.

Crown Lands Act 1989

Activities on Crown lands (including the seabed)

The Department of Land and Water Conservation is responsible for all Crown Land including the seabed. The objectives of this Act include conserving natural resources, environmental protection, and the public use and enjoyment of Crown Lands

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Preparation of environmental planning instruments such as SEPPs, REPs and LEPs

SEPP 14 (1985) relates to wetlands

Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Control of threatening processes - pollution

Replaces the Clean Air Act 1961, the Clean Waters Act 1970, the Environmental Offences and Penalties Act 1989, the Noise Control Act 1975, the Pollution Control Act 1970, and incorporates the major regulatory provisions of the Waste Minimisation and Management Act 1995

Lord Howe Island, which is part of NSW, is administered by the LHI Board. Marine conservation matters are handled by the NSW Marine Parks Authority.

Copyright © Environment Australia, 2002
Department of Environment and Heritage