


States Grants (Nature Conservation) Act 1974

Financial assistance to States for conservation measures

Provides financial assistance to State and Territory initiatives in nature conservation. These special purpose grants apply to land acquisition, management, and the provision of facilities by the States (Parker 1995)

Environment (Financial Assistance) Act 1977

Financial assistance to States for conservation measures

Facilitates Commonwealth financial assistance to the States for environmental planning projects

Fisheries Management Act 1991 and Fisheries Administration Act 1991

Commonwealth fisheries, excluding organisms covered under the Continental Shelf Act

Replace the Fisheries Act 1952 (repealed). Objectives are to: (a) implement efficient and cost effective fisheries management, (b) ensure that fisheries activities are conducted according to ESD principles, and (c) maximise economic efficiency in the exploitation of fisheries. Allow the Minister to gazette proclaimed areas, to prohibit and regulate the taking of fish or classified fish, to prohibit the possession of unlicensed equipment, etc.

Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984

Control of fisheries in the Torres Strait Protected Area established under the Torres Strait Treaty


Pollution of the Sea by Oil (Shipping Levy) Act 1976; Pollution of the Sea by Oil (Shipping Levy Collection) Act 1972; Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Act 1981; Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983-86

Control of pollution from shipping


Australian Biological Control Act 1984

Control of non-indigenous species


Quarantine Act 1908

Control of import of non-indigenous species into Australia

Some voluntary agreements to encourage ships to undertake mid-ocean ballast exchange and also mechanisms exist whereby ships may be banned from discharging ballast water in port

Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975

Potential avenue for protection of sites

The Australian Heritage Commission advises the Commonwealth on the protection of Australia's National Estate, places of natural, historical or Aboriginal heritage value. The Commission keeps a list of such places on the Register of the National Estate. Listing in the Register gives some protection to a place under Section 30 of the Act, which aims to ensure that the Commonwealth Government does not unnecessarily damage Australia's heritage unless there is no prudent alternative. It does not cover the actions of State or Local Government, or of private owners (Yen and Butcher 1997).

Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972

Establishes AIMS to carry out research in marine science


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 (Amendment Act 1991)

Establishes the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)

Region extends to low water mark and is not affected by the Offshore Constitutional Settlement. Makes provision for Commonwealth financial assistance to Queensland for Park mana gement.

Requires compulsory pilotage for all vessels carrying oil or toxic chemicals as cargo and for large vessels navigating within the Park

Copyright © Environment Australia, 2002
Department of Environment and Heritage