The Policy, which covers all of Australia’s EEZ,
recognises that maintenance of healthy ocean ecosystems is fundamental and
that a strong, competitive marine industry base is also important and
depends on ensuring the long- term ecological sustainability of a wide
range of ocean uses. Volume 1 deals with the context, general issues and
principles, and some key initial actions (integrated planning and
management; biodiversity conservation; pollution; tourism; community
participation etc.), while Volume 2 deals with specific sectoral measures
(Commonwealth of Australia 1998a, 1998b).
December 1999, the National
Oceans Office was formed as an Executive Agency under
the Commonwealth Public Service Act 1999 to oversee implementation
of the Plan. A key focus of the work of the NOO is the development
of Regional Marine Plans (RMPs). Preparation of the first of these,
for south-east Australia, is currently underway.
Policy has been criticised by WWF Australia for focusing primarily on the
development of economic opportunities and lacking a strong conservation
vision (Moore 1998).