The rationale for the national endangered species strategy as a key element in the broader national biological diversity strategy is that it directs attention to the cases where there is immediate threat and forces attention to the wider environmental issues that have led to the decline.


The introductory sections present the case for action to conserve our endangered and vulnerable species and ecological communities, namely:

  • The unique characteristics of Australian flora and fauna and the reasons for their conservation;

  • The extinction of species in Australia and the main threatening processes;

  • Responsibilities for conservation action and some recent developments that provide hope for the future.

The overall aims defined in the strategy are:

  • To ensure that endangered and vulnerable species and ecological communities can survive and flourish;

  • To ensure that endangered and vulnerable species and ecological communities retain their genetic diversity and potential for evolutionary development in their natural habitat; and

  • To prevent further species and ecological communities from becoming endangered.

Objectives to achieve these aims cover:

  • A national education program;

  • Adequate resources for conservation agencies;

  • Identification of endangered or vulnerable species and ecological communities;

  • Increased research on threatening processes;

  • Development and implementation of plans to mitigate the effects of threatening processes;

  • Preparation and implementation of recovery plans for all endangered species and ecological communities and selected vulnerable species and ecological communities;

  • Involvement of all levels of government;

  • Provision of incentives and support for conservation on private and leasehold land;

  • Introduction of appropriate legislation by the Commonwealth, States and Territories;

  • Integration of endangered species conservation into economic planning and assessment procedures;

  • Promotion and participation in international conservation efforts; and

  • Measures to effectively implement the strategy.

Copyright © Environment Australia, 2002
Department of Environment and Heritage