Administration of the Australian Antarctic Territory and the sub-Antarctic territory of Heard and McDonald Islands is the responsibility of the Australian Antarctic Division, within the Commonwealth portfolio of Environment and Heritage. Australia’s international obligations in relation to use and protection of the Antarctic Environment are defined under several international agreements (Antarctic Treaty 1959, Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection (Madrid Protocol) 1991, Agreed Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora, Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources 1980 (CCAMLR); see Table 8.1). Other relevant Commonwealth Acts, apart from those establishing Australia’s obligations under international agreements, include the Australian Antarctic Territory Acceptance Act 1933, Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954, and the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Act 1953. Bönner (1990) provides an overview of international agreements and how they relate to conservation in the Antarctic.

Copyright © Environment Australia, 2002
Department of Environment and Heritage